So something pretty funny happened to me today when I went over to Bay Farm island to walk Goldie, the dog that I normally walk 3 times a week. Usually I walk her M-W but since I was in Oreogn and got back yesterday, I'm walking her this week th and fri instead. Anyway, we went outside and I needed to get some bags out of my car and my breakfast and as I opened the back door, she hopped right onto the back seat, laid down and proceeded to refuse to come out again. I thought, that's interesting. I said to her "so, does this mean you don't want to walk around her, you want to go someplace new?" She didn't respond but looked content so off we went. There is a beautiful walkway along the water in the Harbor Bay Parkway. You can watch the planes take off, the wind blows in from the fog from across the bay and you can see the city too! So we went over there, parked along the street and got out. Goldie was suddenly a completely different dog! She was happy and prancing along, pulling at the leash in excitement. She kept putting her nose up into the wind and smiling - it was very cute! So we walked there today instead of in her neighborhood. I think she's alot like me, in that, she gets bored with routines and prefers a change of scenery when she can have the opportunity. I let her chase the gophers and we walked out by the rocks. I found a fisher's net - the kind on a long pole, in perfect condition. I think I'll try to sell it on Criagslist :) So we had a lot of fun and when we got back, I told her mom what we did and she was delighted and said I coudl take her someplace by car whenever I wnated to. So this will be great. I'm much more apt to go walk for exercise if I can be someplace beautiful. So that was a lot of fun and she was very tired when we got back, which makes for a happy dog owner :)