Sat the 14th there was a massive fire at an old warehouse down on Blanding which is right on the estuary, in Alameda, about a block north of park st. I was getting gas and happened to look up into the sky to see a huge plume of black smoke and I thought, that must be in Alameda. So I drove east and parked on blanding near the football field where the Alameda High team practice. I was fortunate to get there very early before the crowds showed up and they asked everyone to move away from the building. There were 6 engines there, two from Oakland came over even! It was pretty exciting and I got some amazing photos of the firefighters up on the ladder with the hoses and of the fire itself. Pretty amazing and exciting, to be right there. Wish I could be a firefighter right now.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Big fire in Alameda
Sat the 14th there was a massive fire at an old warehouse down on Blanding which is right on the estuary, in Alameda, about a block north of park st. I was getting gas and happened to look up into the sky to see a huge plume of black smoke and I thought, that must be in Alameda. So I drove east and parked on blanding near the football field where the Alameda High team practice. I was fortunate to get there very early before the crowds showed up and they asked everyone to move away from the building. There were 6 engines there, two from Oakland came over even! It was pretty exciting and I got some amazing photos of the firefighters up on the ladder with the hoses and of the fire itself. Pretty amazing and exciting, to be right there. Wish I could be a firefighter right now.
Sat 7th Beach Party
On Saturday the 7th, I was invited to an awesome beach party at Ocean Beach in Daly City by my friend and favorite local dj, Dr Spook. I think I have 4 of his albums now too :) He is one of the friendliest, sweetest guys I know. I went with a new friend and we met where we parked. I didn't feel like getting lost trying to find where it was located alone so I was glad to have a buddy along. The directions were somewhat like turn left at the large boulder, right at the chain link fence and take the 10th trail before you get to the stables. Needless to say we did get lost but shortly after heard someone whistling - fortunately Spook had located us in a field on the wrong trail. We were glad to see another human being and helped carry all the equipment down to the spot where the party would be. It was neat to see it all get set up. Normally I get to something and the party has already started. There was a big bonfire at one end, whcih most people sat around since it was very cold and windy. I was glad I decided to wear my long underwear under my pants. I danced my butt off, literally - I couldn't walk the next day but it was well worth it. I stayed until 4:30am, the longest I've ever stayed at a party in a long time! But it was amazing and so much fun. Took lots of pics of people spinning fire and Spook spinning too.
Fire Arts Festival
I went to the Fire Arts Festival on Thursday July 12th with a friend. It was just amazing. Fire, fire everywhere. 8-10pm was the time where we got to walk around and look at all of the displays. 10-12am was their version of the Odyssee, called the Fire Odysey (i cannot spell!). It was just amazing - sculptures on fire, moving objects, machines that sent balls of fire blazing into the sky, loud kabooms and such. Many different interactive art type sculptures that also moved and were of course on fire as well. The play was amazing! I couldn't take any pics during the play but it was just amazing! I got to see the Crucible's Tesla coil so I am happy :) I am just fascinated by Tesla. I will definetly go back next year and hopefully plan to volunteer too! Below are some pics I got of it all :) It was pyromaniac heaven!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Brother visit
So my brother came home for what was supposed to be a surprise visit this last Sunday for my mom's birthday which was Saturday. Sunday we went to my Aunt Tish and soon-to-be Uncle Tim's house in Lafayette for dinner fun with Uncle tommie, amanda, aunt vickie and my cousins. Lots of fun. Went swimming, wrestled with my brother, had a cannonball contest and tried my hand at jumping off the diving board while throwing the basketball towards the hoop. Never quite made it but got to practice my hand at shooting a basket again. Lots of fun. Swallowed a lot of pool water!!! But that's what you get when you're annoying and much bigger brother keeps dunking your head into the pool! Needless to say I'm very tired and feel like I'm flaring still but had a blast and would never not do someting like that just because I'm in pain.
My brother drove up in his new Z4 for which he took me on a very thrilling (or scary in my mom's opinion) drive up Skyline Blvd, both ways on Grizzly Peak Blvd and then back along Skyline to the end where it dumps you onto Joaquin Miller. I think at a couple places we were going over 100mph and maybe 60-80 on some of the corners. Fucking awesome ride! Got to see the beautiful city skyline as well :) Took a few pictures but was mainly focused on sitting on my phone as well as his which in the beginnng went flying out of the center console to my feet so I had to hold onto it. He claims he had never done that beofre but whatever. I know he drives like that whenevr he can. Below is his car :)
Yesterday we went out to the Livermore valley and went wine tasting and also did a picnic. Went to Retzlaff, which I had been to before with Kelly and my parents and brother really enjoyed it as well! We were the only ones there so that is always nice. And of course the port was most excellant and I forgot again to ask where they buy their chocolate that they serve with it. I think I ate more than 10 pieces. Oh well! Then we went to Conncannon which was down the road a ways and that was nice too, though neither had a Zin which bummed me out and I didnt' much like anything at the second one except their petite syrah was okay, better than others I've tasted. It was very windy and about 85 degrees out there. And I became designated driver on the way back as usual.
Jon left yesterday evening, sped off in his Z4 down the street blasting a new refurbished edition of E.L.O. time. It was pretty great. And hopefully we'll see him in Tahoe in August and also defiently Sept 15th weekend in Tahoe when my cousin Kitty is getting married there. Lots of fun!
My relationship personality type
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