Friday, December 7, 2007

Why you should not drive while talking and holding a cell phone!

I'm sending this because I want people to be as safe as possible while driving on the road, whether you are in a city, town or on the freeway. I realize that those of you who are safe drivers, already know about the law that states that if you turn your windshield whippers on during rain, mist, fog and/or snow, that you must turn on your headlights. Well, during the last rain storm, I noticed that at least half the people I saw on the road did not have their headlights on, and even when I flicked my lights at them, they had no clue as to why I was doing that. On the freeways, the numbers of people without their lights on was more like 75%, which just scares me to death.

I just do not understand what these people don't get about needing to turn on their lights so that other people can see them and also because it's a state law in California, as well as in 28 other states. You shouldn't even have to be told that it is a law - it should be automatic. But sadly this is not the case :( So because of this and until law enforcement understands that they need to start cracking down on this and ticketing people for it during storms, I think it would help if we all try to spread the word to our own friends and family and have them do the same in return. I think that if people really made the effort to do this, we would have less accidents. I realize that people also need to slow down, instead of seeming to drive even faster when it rains than they do when it is not - (someone please explain this to me because the logic of it makes no sense) - and that the two combined would probably prevent a majority of the number of accidents we see and the traffic created by those accidents.

So please spread the word, and help educate those who are not aware. I believe that education will greatly help to make drivers drive safer in those types of conditions. If no one ever tells them about a new law (and this one was passed in 2005), then they will never obey it. Here is some more info on this particular law:

Headlamps on Motor Vehicles

24400. (a) A motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be:

(1) ( )1 Equipped with at least two ( )2 headlamps, with at least one on each side of the front of the vehicle, and, except as to vehicles registered prior to January 1, 1930, they shall be located directly above or in advance of the front axle of the vehicle. The headlamps and every light source in any headlamp unit shall be located at a height of not more than 54 inches nor less than 22 inches.

(2) Operated during darkness, or inclement weather, or both, with at least two lighted headlamps that comply with paragraph (1).

(b) As used in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), “inclement weather” is a weather condition that is either of the following:

(1) A condition that prevents a driver of a motor vehicle from clearly discerning a person or another motor vehicle on the highway from a distance of 1,000 feet.

(2) A condition requiring the windshield wipers to be in continuous use due to rain, mist, snow, fog, or other precipitation or atmospheric moisture.( )3

Added Sec. 2, Ch. 415, Stats. 2004. Effectve January 1, 2005. Operative July 1, 2005.
Amended Sec. 9, Ch. 311, Stats. 2006. Effective January 1, 2007.
The 2006 amendment added the italicized material, and at the point(s) indicated, deleted the following:

1. “During darkness and inclement weather, a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be equipped”
2. “lighted”
3. “(c) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2005.

And for those who are not aware of this either, now is the time to stop using your cell phones in your vehicles OR get a hands-free headset, because come Jan 1, 2008, a new law will come into effect banning the use of cell phones by the driver of a vehicle - meaning you cannot be holding your phone with one hand and talking while driving your vehicle. I believe this is one of the top reasons that accidents happen all too often these days. Most of the time, when I am driving around, it is the people who are weaving, driving right on the line seperating two lanes on streets or freeways plus not even paying attention to what they are doing, let alone looking straight in front of them and even driving eratically while multi-tasking with their phone in their car, who are responsible for accidents and traffic.

I no longer answer my phone while in my car and people just need to accept that. When I drive long distances, like up to Oregon, I especially don't answer it. If I need to make a call or return one, I will do so at a rest stop or I will pull over. I don't care how someone wants to justify it, it is just not safe! So go buy your hands-free headsets and you'll be just fine. I have one on my Christmas list :)

Instructors who teach driving classes will tell you the same thing - even with the use of headsets for phones, there are still certain conditions where it is not safe to be doing something else while driving such as having a conversation with someone - in the car or on your phone! See what happens the next time you are driving your vehicle and you're having a conversation with someone who is also in your vehicle. What happens when you suddenly have to hit the brakes to prevent crashing into someone who has stopped quickly in front of you or because there is suddenly a build up of stopped traffic? I bet you anything, that you are going to stop talking for that temporary moment while you slow down your vehicle and assess what is going on in front of you.

Please help spread the word, to help make our roads safer to drive on. Thank you!