Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Other bad drivers

I really don't get it about California. Why does everyone have to be in such a damn hurry to get to where they are going? Do you know that when you drive like a maniac that you cause accidents and sometimes cause lives? All of these innocent people out on the roads, driving by the law and then someone comes weaving down the hwy, and bam, crashed into someone. I had a nightmare last night that I was on Hwy 80 and some jerk slammed into my car, pushing me into a pileup of cars, then pinning me in the car and I couldn't move. I woke up before finding out the rest - needless to say, I didnt' sleep so well after that :(

If you're not aware, when you leave the state of California and go into another state, driving is so much more relaxing and peaceful. This is true! I can prove it to you! Drive north on I-5 and cross the border into Oregon. Yes, you're still up in the mountains so driving is still risky but once you get down into Ashland, people are obeying the speed limit - what a concept!!! - and no one tail gates or flips you off when something is their fault. There are no mad drivers weaving in and out of traffic like maniacs. There are less crashes, more related to the weather and not bad drivers. I always look forward to driving up to Oregon for this very reason. The drive on the way back, however, is garenteed to put a frown on my face :( It's always a nightmare. One thing I can't stand in Calif., is these stupid drivers, usually older ladies, who cannot and refuse! to drive around a truck. And this is usually on the highway, where you have two lanes in each direction and they are in the fast lane and just sitting directly behind or right next to a truck, going the same speed as the truck, so below the speed limit. You can honk and scream and yell all that you want to but it does no good. These types of drivers should not be on the road! I would yank their licenses so fast if I were a cop or a judge. I really think someone should bring the idea of "Citizens Arrest" into the works.

For example, tonight on my way home. I stop at the stop sign, make a FULL stop because it's the law! and on the side of the incoming traffic is a car that just kinda rolls through the stop sign and then sorta stops out halfway in the middle of the intersection. I'm sitting in my car, with a frown and discusted look on my face - i then realized it was a cop! WTF??!! You have to follow the rules too buddy. Unless you're in an emergency and have your ligths on, you can't just roll through a stop sign. So if I could pull a citizens arrest, I would take pictures of the event happening, document the location, time and date and then bring the paperwork into my local police station. I think there should be something that allows us good, safe drivers to do this! Thats just my way of doing some wishful thinking.

And there should also be a way to report wrreckless drivers. YOu can report drunk drivers by calling 911. One time when I was driving home from Oregon, on I-5, a truck was speeding - and I mean going over 80, because I only wanted to get ahead of this bastard, so I had to go almost 90 mph just to get around him. Then he passed me again, almost side swiping me in the process and then almost tapping the front bumper of my car. I swear that time slowed down in that instant and I thought, I don't want to die this way! I thought what can I do about this: So I dialed the highway patrol number that I have in my cell and got a message saying for me to hold. I stayed on the phone (which I hate doing when I'm driving and I cannot wait for January when the new law about not driving with a cell phone in use comes into play) and I couldn't sit on hold forever so I hung up. What I ended up doing and I recommend you doing this if you are ever in a similiar situation, is to get all of the numbers off of the truck - and learn to write without looking at what you're writing - get the numbers off the cab most importantly but I know it's almost impossible to read the license attached to the cab, so get the one on the trailer. Also note the date, time, and where you are on a freeway or hwy. Get the name of the truck company and any other info that you can get. When I got home, I googled the truck company and on the website, got the email for phone for the CEO or manager or owner and filed a complaint. I had to do this with two different truck companies from that one trip and one of the companies, the guy I dealt with was very apologetic and said that the driver would be reprimanded right away. I dont know what actually happened to the driver but I at least felt relieved that someone was notified.