So I hope you all saw the beautiful eclipse this week. It was just amazing. Unfortunately I found out too late that the Chabot Space and Science center was having this massive blow out, all-night long party with telescope viewing for it. Oh well, next time! However I did instead stay up and played WoW until about 1:30am, got into bed and watched a movie and then got back up at 2:30am to get my dad up, who wanted to see it as well. My dad was already up, apparently he's up every night from 2-3:30am. Gees! Well, I am too lots of times I suppose. So we got up and couldn't see the moon from the deck so we went out into the courtyard to look and found the moon perfectly. It was amazing seeing it almost covered. We turned off the bright night light that is on at night and my dad got his binoculars. It was just amazing, so beautiful and red/orange. Amazing images in the binoculars as it was quickly covered up for the full eclipse. So I read that early explorers who orginally thought the earth was flat, quickly realized from watching total lunar eclipses, that the earth was in fact, round. Also, another amazing thing about this months' eclipse is that the moon is supposed to be passing through some kind of solar meteor shower during the entire timeframe and news reported that those with telescopes out, might be able to see lunar meteor impacts! I still havne't been able to find data or pics on that as of yet, but will post here if I do.
This is a lunar eclipse computer calculator, where you can find info on the eclipses and info on upcoming ones as well.
This was taken in California:

And this is a really cool artistic photo collage that someone did: