So tonight I decided after I met Kelly for coffee that I would drive up the hill, to see if it was clear enough to see the stars and to see the city lights. I tried to take B up the weekend before but it was so incredibly foggy. That always randomly happens to me now. I plan to go up and it's fog city, sometimes to the point where I can't drive faster than 3 mph because I can hardly see the road - thank god for road lines! And reflective paint too!! :)
So I got up on grizzly peak and there were quite a lot of people up there. Most of the turn off spaces were filled up and I really didn't feel like being near anyone else but I didn't really have any choice by that time. So Parked away from other cars and pulled into a turnout. Turned off the car and stepped out, almost tripped and fell down the hill, which I'm sure would have ended badly. But it was very clear and beautiful. The sky was dark and I saw a shooting star, probably not the end of the already finished meteor shower that I yet again missed. But I did find that Gold Club Rd which runs off of Grizzly Peak does go down the backside of the hill, into nothingness, meaning: no lights, houses, etc for a while so in other words: dark skies! good telescope viewing spot. Will save it for next time. Wish it was easier to get out of the city though. I get really sick of the light pollution.
Took a couple of shots, but only this one came out the best.