Today plans changed around a bit so I decided to head towards Stinson Beach since it was still pretty early in the day and I haven't been to the beach in quite a while. Had a pretty drive along Hwy 37 until I hit 101 and then there were some traffic areas, like going through San Rafael. I considered calling my cousin Gen to see if she and Chris were around but then later I was too tired and really hurting so I decided not to. Maybe next time! Was almost to Stinson, people going WAY too slow down that hill (have a rant about that on the way back up the hill!), and decided to go to Muir Beach instead of Stinson. I thought that Stinson would probably be overcrowded, which I hate and I think they charge you to park, and I didn't want to pay anything to park. So I ended up at Muir Beach, which was pretty and overcrowded as well, very rocky, lacking tidepools which I was hoping for and it had bees, which kept following me around and making me nervous, so I had to keep walking around rather than sit on a rock like I had planned. It was sorta foggy yet sunny, not windy - sorta weird weather. Not hot but not cold. I thought it was going to be chilly because of the fog. So I took lots of good pictures, which I included here.
After the beach I headed back up the hill, towards the Golden Gate Bridge. Decided since I hadn't been there in a while either that today might be a good day to go. So this guy in front of me in some Impala POS is going under 20mph UPHILL!!!! and is still braking. Gees! I was fuming to say the least. Too windy of a road to pass and it would be really unsafe anyway. But I thought, if I could only get into that car, sit in the passenger seat and have the car controls on my side too, like they do in those cars that teach you how to drive, so that I could push on the gas and teach the idiot how to drive properly!! In my dreams, I know :)
So I was totally wrong about doing the GG on a Sunday. Everyone and their kids were there and I was not happy. But then I had to pee so I didn't have a choice but to stop. Found a parking spot relatively easy (thanks to my placard) and waited in the bathroom line. This little woman behind me, not only did she have the worst BO in the world but she could not respect my personal bubble. If you are not closely related to me, or are a close friend or significant other, do NOT dare stand in my personal space. It's the easiest way to piss me off. I swear, I wanted to step on her toes and run her over. She kept bumping into me, she wasn't even looking at whcih was the line was headed and she was blocking the exit path too. Totally rude, people like that should be extinguised. It was Asian town at the bridge, so I took some cool shots and got the hell out of there as fast as I could! But I did get some good shots, even one where when I was first driving across the bridge, I just stuck the camera out the side window, pointed it up at the span and shot a picture. Came out pretty cool too!
On the way out of the city, instead of stopping and getting my favorite cookies, since I knew the place would be closed, I instead headed over to the Cheesecake Factory to treat myself to a slice of cheesecake, to bring home and devour all by myself. Well I don't normally drive in the city, I try to really avoid it at all costs. I almost didn't make it to get dessert. What is up with the no left turns and one ways?? Actually it's the no left turns that get me worse. Just put in a fricken left turn arrow signal. I'm sure the city can afford to do that too. Certainly would put me out of my misery. It took about 30 min just to get 10 blocks, where I ended up below mission, on Howard, and I needed to be up above Market, on Geary. Took fucking forever. ARGH! Talk about driving me insane. And I guess I haven't been into the city, like downtown, in a while. Well it certainly is tourist season there. Gees! Way too many sheep people. Fortunately I got in and out of the Cheesecake Factory in less than 20 min and I was able to park right in front as well. yay! So that made me happy. I need a little treat now and then.
Got home safe and sound with a kitty who was really really happy to see me. I'm very tired and in a lot of pain. I think I'm starting to stress about my art show next Sunday. I still need to make a couple more necklaces and a bunch more bracelets AND figure out how to display everything. I'm going to let my friend help me with all of that this week since mom and dad won't be home until Friday afternoon and that gives me Friday eve and Sat all day to prepare for the show. But I'm excited too, hope to get a lot of really good feedback on my work. :)