Sunday, August 19, 2007

My interest in Illusionists

So I'm really interested in magick - always have been. I consider myself to be Pagan/Wiccan. Anyway, ever since the movie The Illusionist which was incredible, I've been interested in real-life illusionists. There are a couple in Las Vegas. I'm watching one guy, Criss Angel on A&E right now - just watched him walk on water, across a pool! Kinda mind-blowing. People were swimming under him, so don't give me that crap about it being fake. Anyway, check him out. You can see him on this site: or his videos of some stuff that he does on:

there's another guy I saw on the science channel - Dirk (somebody) - can't remember his last name right now. He's an illusionist as well and he rescues and raises baby tigers and leopards. He's a big animal conservationist and activist and he likes educating the public on how to save endangered cats. I saw an hour on science channel on him and his big cats. He's just amazing as well.

Now I've been able to figure out some tricks that people do but Illusionists are different!