Sunday, August 19, 2007

What happens if you Google my name in Images?

So I was curious to see what would come up if I searched for my own name in Google Images. Well the result is very interesting. There are more females out in the world with my full name than I thought there would be. So far in my lifetime, I've only met two other Whitney's and I'm happy to say that I love my name and I'm very glad that my parent's gave me a unique name too.

As for the results, here are some other Whitney Walkers:

This chick from some university on the other side of the country:

This girl who also rides horses but shows in Western - cute horse!

I swear to Mother Nature that I did NOT!!!! write this book! Thought you'd get a kick out of this one anyway -

My apparently famous caving picture is on this page, just scroll down to read my blurb:

SWEET!!! There's a gun named after me, how cool is that!! The Whitneyville Walker Colt Pistol.

There is a Walker Whitney Plaza in St Petersburg, Florida. I'll have to go someday:

I think that I should own this company - this is the Walker-Whitney style of living:

Heh, I could go on and on but I won't :) I definetly have to in this lifetime visit my museum in New York and climb my mountain :)